How to join

How to join



Dues for stockholders/associates $55.00 per year payable October of the current year to January 1 of the following year. If not paid by January 1 of the following year, dues will be $75.00 for stockholders/associates.  

Spousal membership is available for $80.00 per year for member and spouse payable October of the current year to January 1 of the following year. If not paid by January 1 of the following year, dues will be $120.00 per year for spousal membership. 


Please be advised that due to insurance requirements, the Marshall County Hunting and Fishing Club will no longer permit members to bring a guest (non-member). If any member is found bringing non-members to the range to shoot, their membership will be revoked with no reimbursement of paid dues. This excludes any public shoots/practices and Sight-In Days.


The limits have been set to accommodate current membership numbers. Membership will be granted on a first come basis. The ability of our club to accommodate members, maintain our facility and IRS policies regarding our non-profit status were the principal drivers in determining these changes. All current associate members will be accepted for the following year if paid by January 1 of that year. All current associate memberships paid after January 1 of the following year will be considered new members and subject to the cap limits. Cap limits do not apply to stockholders of record. 

Please note that MCHFC currently has no policies in place to accommodate hourly or daily rate shooting. We do not sell ammunition or have gun rentals. 

There is no policy regarding family plan memberships. All adults 18 years of age or older must pay dues to be recognized as a member in good standing. Non-members may shoot trap as this is a fee based event. 

Remember to include current address and a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your membership card. If paying in person, see any Director or attend a monthly meeting. 

Regular monthly meetings are hold the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the clubhouse. All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend.  

Marshall County Hunting and Fishing Club
PO Box 371
Moundsville, WV 26041